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Things to Carry for an Island Camping

  1. Tent and Sleeping Gear:
    • A durable and lightweight tent that accommodates the number of people going on the trip.
    • Sleeping bags or sleeping pads for a comfortable sleep.
    • Pillows or inflatable camping pillows for added comfort.
  2. Clothing and Personal Items:
    • Weather-appropriate clothing (consider the temperature, season, and potential rain).
    • Extra set of clothes, including underwear and socks.
    • Comfortable footwear suitable for outdoor activities and water exploration.
    • Rain jacket or poncho in case of unexpected showers.
    • Hat or cap for sun protection.
    • Personal hygiene items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, and wet wipes.
    • Towel and a swimsuit if swimming is part of the plan.
    • Sunscreen lotion to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
  3. Cooking and Eating Supplies:
    • Portable camping stove or grill (if allowed) and sufficient fuel.
    • Cookware such as pots, pans, and utensils for cooking and eating.
    • Plates, bowls, and cups for serving meals.
    • Eating utensils like spoons, forks, and knives.
    • Reusable water bottles or hydration packs to stay hydrated.
  4. Food and Drinks:
    • Non-perishable food items that are easy to prepare, such as canned goods, dried fruits, energy bars, and instant meals.
    • Snacks for munching throughout the trip.
    • Drinking water or water filtration system to ensure a safe water supply.
    • If desired, bring a portable camping coffee maker or tea bags for hot beverages.
  5. Lighting and Tools:
    • Headlamps or flashlights with extra batteries.
    • Lanterns or camping lights for illuminating the campsite at night.
    • Multi-tool or Swiss Army knife for various tasks.
    • Lighter or waterproof matches for starting campfires (if permitted).
  6. Safety and Miscellaneous Items:
    • First aid kit with essential supplies for minor injuries.
    • Insect repellent to ward off mosquitoes and bugs.
    • Whistle or signaling device for emergencies.
    • Navigation tools such as a map, compass, or GPS device.
    • Waterproof bags or containers for protecting important items from water damage.
    • Garbage bags for proper waste disposal.
    • Entertainment items like books, playing cards, or musical instruments for leisure.

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